
Irish Recruiters Hat Tip Awards 2010, Winter Presentation and Glimpse at 2011

You can find in the below presentation:

1. Some of the social media approaches catching my eye with Facebook, Twitter, Starbucks and Microsoft
2. You'll get some future social media and technology trends for 2011
3. Well deserved Hat Tip Awards for 2010
4. Information on Irish Recruiters for 2011

You can see it a clearer at:here Click the "Full Screen" icon on the bottom right after you follow the link.

Happy Christmas to one and all!

Irish Recruiters Survey 2010

Thanks to all that took the Irish Recruiters Survey in 2010. Here is the results. Just click on each image to see it in larger format.


LinkedIn launches very cool new resume builder

Part of the fun of working in LinkedIn is getting to play around and tinker with lots of cool things... one of the latest innovations to come out of the company is Resume Builder. Effectively what it does is create your profile into a traditional resume with a couple of quick clicks...

Check it out here.


Chrome Deck - the New Tweetdeck!

Apologies everyone for the drop off in blogging of late. I'm working hard to build a global recruitment strategy for LinkedIn. I've also went into over-drive to hire a world class team of recruiters in Dublin, London, Mumbai and Sydney (to start!)to help develop and execute on the strategy!

In the meantime here's a little something to try out:
