
Using JobCompass to find a job on your iPhone

Interestingly CareerBuilder a few months ago came out with an iTunes job searching agent that works with your iPhone but it looks like JobCompass has outdone them with a far more slicker and more location specifc spider that runs off popular job boards like Monster, Dic, HotJobs and Cybercoders to pull their jobs from...

Check out the demo...


The new Monster is on its way!

I've got my official invitation to the Irish launch and looking forward to seeing their new career profiling system and jazzed up engine. Also looking to the odd canape and drop of vino tinto as well!

Hats off to the marketing team in Monster.


The ladders $100k+ social experiment

Interesting commercial from TheLadders, the premier job board in the US for jobs over $100k+. I wonder how TheLadders job board would perform in Ireland? One thing for sure is IrishJobs realised along time ago that there is a niche market there and in action to it they created the Executive Room but I'm not convinced it worked. I just did a search selecting the "employer" drop down menu and then I selected "Dublin" as location and it only returned 10 results. Seems like they have quite a ladder to climb if they want to get to where they want to be. A commercial as clever as this would help! Come on IrishJobs marketing team - give us something innovative as a commercial. It's been a while and we're waiting! Capture our imagination the market for executive recruitment is there for you to win or lose.