
Job Posting Analytics

I've always wanted to have a version of Google Analytics for every job post that my team is using... Imagine having detailed analytics around how effective the title you are using on your job description is and if it is attracting the right audience you want. Imagine knowing the terms that visitors are using to get to your job description and how many have applied and from what companies. These powerful analytics are now available in LinkedIn jobs. This is a huge advancement in innovation and providing insights into datasets that will power recruitment departments to more efficient job posting and much quicker results.

Check out the following job post and especially the virtual tour at the end to learn more, here.

If you click on the following image you'll see some of the live data from a role I am helping to recruit for today.

It is innovation like this that is exciting me inside LinkedIn. Our product managers and carefully thinking about how data and insights into data sets around recruiters actions. Recruitment Analytics is a fascinating topic. What does it mean? What would a data scientist in a recruitment department do if they could track the effectiveness of all the activity that is taking place around your job descriptions in real time. How would they advise your team to edit your job descriptions to make it more appealing to your target audience. When are we going to see the first Recruitment Analytics conference? Would you go?


National Roadshow to Help Jobseekers through hard times

Just arrived back into the country after another work trip to San Fran and it's good to be home on Irish soil. Last week was all about management meetings in LinkedIn and also planning for a new recruitment training series for all our recruiters and members of our hiring solutions and recruitment product consultancy departments.

Something I wanted to draw your attention to was a new roadshow that CPL are running designed to assist thousands of job seekers throughout Ireland. It will take place from Friday the 13th of May until Monday the 23rd of May and it will be a free of charge series of talks around the country where job seekers can learn how to prepare a great CV.

To learn more go to here

Also, I am currently searching for a world class full-time recruiter to join my European recruitment team, based out of London, here's the spec for the role if you know of anyone interested.