
New Twitter Front Page Arrives - It's no longer just about you

Twitter has a new homepage. If you are a user of Twitter already you're not going to see a lot of it as you'll be already logged in but for all those people around the world who still have not logged into Twitter they will be greeted by this new home page which now has 23 topics covering the collective discussions of what is  happening on Google at any given time.  It's now the world's most powerful breaking news aggregator in real time. Contrasting the old page and the new page gives us some hints of the company's ambition.

Here’s the old description text:
“Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co-workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing?
And here’s the new text:
“Share and discover what’s happening right now, anywhere in the world”
They have moved away from the focus on your personal network and have now started focusing on real time news and discovery for world events.  Effectively for me anyway this is almost a step towards a more hybrid social networking/Google news type real-time platform.

This is an evolutionary change.  Twitter was first conceived as a place to update your friends and interested parties on your life. It was focused and very much about you. Now in its place the focus is now about the entire world.